Blinds Are Up!

Helping you host the perfect poker game

Blinds Are Up! 5.0.0 - 5.3.0

Version 5.3.0

  • Added ''Deal Calculator'' tool to show ICM and Chip-Chop prize allocations based on players' relative stack sizes (Tools > Deal Calculator).
  • The ''Auto-Select Prizes'' feature (Money & Prizes screen) now includes the current number of Rebuys in addition to Entries when calculating how many prizes to award.

Version 5.2.1

  • Fixed too-small text on some devices when showing Poker League Stats, Poker Dictionary, Poker Quotes, and Poker TDA Rules.

Version 5.2.0

  • Fewer ads in free version of app: Ads are no longer shown when the Blinds Display is in Full Screen mode.
  • Added a Redtooth Poker schedule to the built-in schedules (Set Up Tourney > Load).
  • Compatibility updates for Android 14.

Version 5.1.0

  • Added searchable page of rules from the Poker Tournament Directors Association (Tools > Poker TDA Rules).
  • Added 'Knocked-out players stay in reserved seats' option (Set Up Tourney > Config Seating).
  • Added Czech and Italian to the Blinds Display languages.

Version 5.0.0

Support for Seating Management:

  • Automatic random seat assignments
  • Automatic table balancing
  • Manually assign or change a player's seat at any time
  • Set Reserved Seats for player/dealers
  • Break tables, add new tables, redraw for final table
  • Show players their seat assignments on the blinds display
  • View suggestions for keeping tables balanced during a game